10 tips on how to stay spiritually healthy

Spirituality is a unique experience for each individual. Improving your spiritual health can have positive effects in other aspects of your wellbeing. When you feel spiritually connected, challenges in life can be easier to deal with. Review the following ways to enhance your spiritual health.
  1. Know that you are connected to all - The decisions you make, whether small or significant, have an impact on the world around you. You are part of a universal energy that connects everything as a unified creation from the same source. Whether you describe the life force as God, Universe, Spirit, or other name, you are still equal with everything else. How you treat others is essentially how you are treating yourself. Show love, compassion, and non-judgment because in each individual, you will find a part of yourself.
  2. Discover your life purpose - You have an overall purpose of finding and creating love, abundance, joy, health, and peace in your life. However, your soul has an individual purpose that resonates only for you. If you are living a life that lacks purpose, passion, and meaning, it is important for you to discover what you naturally enjoy and apply it to your everyday work.
  3. Develop a healthy sense of self - Your level of self-worth, self-confidence, and self-respect are integral in determining how you face difficulties or conquer your goals. The value you place on yourself is related to your self-esteem. Do you like yourself and the life you are living? Do others perceive you as a good friend, spouse, or parent? Consider your answers and change negative qualities into positive ones. Start living an honorable life that mirrors what you truly desire and deserve.
  4. Notice synchronicity - Synchronistic events are those that seemingly occur by coincidence but have an important underlying meaning. From the car pulling out of a crowded parking lot just as you drive in, to the powerful song playing on the radio just when you need a little inspiration, synchronicities happen all the time. The more you notice them, the more the universe will deliver them to you. By increasing your awareness and not forcefully trying, you can connect with the magic of all that is.
  5. Pray and meditate - Prayer is often likened to asking God for certain requests; meditation is quiet listening to receive God's guidance. When praying, sometimes it is most helpful when you selflessly ask for assistance for others, when you talk with God about your concerns and ask for a divine healing of the situation, and when you completely surrender and release the outcome to a higher will. Meditation is a personal communion with Spirit that allows your higher consciousness to link with the collective energy of the universe and passively receive.
  6. Focus on service - In being of service to others, you attain a sense of inner joy and fulfillment that comes with selfless giving. Serving others in a natural way can mean volunteering your time, donating used items, or genuinely smiling at a stranger. Allowing your heart to remain open throughout the day, you can easily experience many opportunities to be of service, connect with your community, and contribute to society. Ask yourself, 'How can I help this person or situation?'
  7. Respect the environment - Honoring the Earth and the animals that live on it is essential to healing your soul and the soul of the planet. The energy of Mother Nature is powerfully transforming. By expressing gratitude, respecting the land, and actively participating in 'green' efforts, you create a personal and spiritual connection that you become responsible for maintaining. 
  8. Remember you are a spiritual being - You a spiritual essence living in a human body to experience linear time and emotion. You are more than a human form having occasional spiritual moments. The divine spark of life and the mystery of it all exist in everything. Trust in the power of Spirit and believe that sometimes things aren't easily explained. As a human being, you may still be learning lessons in life. But in actuality, you are truly perfect just the way you are. 
  9. Create good Karma - Karma is the concept of cause and effect in action. Like the saying, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,' Karmic events describe the relationship between one act, whether good or bad, and the resulting consequence that can impact your own life in a positive or negative way. Creating good Karma doesn't have to be stressful; if you align yourself from a place of love, your motivations and intentions to do only good will manifest naturally.
  10. Live from your heart - By approaching life from a place of love, Spirit, and compassion, you can consistently boost your spiritual health. Decide to live a Spirit-centered life and set the intention to mindfully be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Start by consciously having heart-centered conversations and interactions with others in order to develop a consistent habit. Forgive yourself if you sway and forgive others if their intentions aren't the best. Teach by example and love unconditionally.  
An innermost sense of purpose, a feeling of peace and contentment, and a desire to live a conscious, insightful life are all signs of a healthy spiritual self. Whether you equate spirituality with a traditional religion or a personal soul-searching journey, you have the power to infuse spirit and love in every moment of your life.
Photo: Morguefile/kevinrosseel
Affirmations: My spiritual self is healthy and whole. I am eternally connected to all that is. I serve my purpose daily and my purpose serves me. I consciously and insightfully live a Spirit-centered life. I am happy and at peace. Synchronistic events occur in my life all the time and I love receiving them. I feel good about me. I love me. I honor the environment because it is a part of me and I am a part of it. I do only good. 

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